
Available daytime or evening. The community and social media manager's main responsibilities are to guide and implement communication strategies on social networks as well as to create animation virtual communities according to an organization's marketing strategies.

This program was designed to allow employees working in Quebec companies to carry out tasks related to community management, that is to say, more specifically, to prepare a communication plan adapted to the various social media as well as manage business communities on social media.

Objectifs / Compétences

-To build a community

-To manage a community

-To develop and to deploy a social media marketing strategy

-To develop and implement a communication plan for social media

-To improve the SEO of a web page

-To create and to edit photographies for a community

-To create and to edit videos for a community

-To create vector images for a community

-To produce typographic designs for a community

-To analyze information about working in the field of community and social media management

-To produce English texts and perform English linguistic revision for a community and a social media

-To update a web page

-To write advertising, promotion and public relations texts

-To build a business network

Fonctions de travail

Employment possibilities

Professional / professional in communication and marketing

Manager or community manager

Social media animator


Anyone needing to develop their mastery of social media (in particular recruiters or human resources manager)

Any professional called to occupy functions that require the use of social media

Anyone wishing to become a community manager/facilitator

Average salary

Professionals/professionals in advertising, marketing and public relations (CNP 1123) usually gain between $ 19.00/hour and $ 49.23 in Quebec. People who work as a "specialist in advertising and promotions" are part of this group.

Conditions d'admission et préalables

Ministerial admission conditions (Article 4 of the RREC)
A person who has an education deemed sufficient by the college and who meets one of the following conditions is eligible for a study program leading to an attestation of college studies: 

1° he has interrupted his full-time studies or pursued full-time post-secondary studies for at least 2 consecutive sessions or one school year; 

2° she is covered by an agreement entered into between the college and an employer or she benefits from a government program; 

3° she has interrupted her full-time studies for one semester and pursued full-time post-secondary studies for one semester; 

4° he holds a diploma of vocational studies. 

Program-specific admission conditions:
• Have obtained a secondary school diploma (DES) or the equivalent
• Have a sufficient level of French to follow the training
• Pass the motivational interview
• Know how to use a browser as well as office tools

Particularités et remarques

This training is also offered in French.

Since they contribute to opening favorable job prospects in the greater Montreal area to our graduates, the AEC training courses of the INSA School of Management appear in the Directory of full-time training programs that can be financed by the government of Quebec.

We invite you to contact your local employment center or your Services Québec office. An employment assistance officer will assess your eligibility and, if necessary, authorize your registration if you meet the admission requirements for the program of your choice. You could obtain financial assistance from the Government of Quebec and reimbursement of costs related to training.

Please take note our program is now offered with an internship.