Vocational training is a learning process that enables an individual to acquire the knowledge and skills required to practice a skilled trade. In general, teaching is more focused on practice than on theory.

Vocational training programs lead to a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS, or DEP in French) or an Attestation of Vocational Specialization (AVS, or ASP in French) issued by the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec. Programs may also lead to a Skills Training Certificate (STC, or AEP in French) issued by a school service centre (SSC), an English-language school board or a special-status school board (SB).

These trainings are usually taught in a CEGEP and lead to a Diploma of College Studies. A CEGEP is a public institution that offers two-year pre-university training programs and three-year technical programs leading to a Diploma of College Studies (DCS, or DEC in French). These institutions also offer shorter technical training programs leading to an Attestation of College Studies (ACS, or AEC in French). Private subsidized colleges offer the same programs.

To apply for a secondary-level vocational training program, you can submit an online application using the AdmissionFP website.

Applicants who have never studied in Québec do not have a permanent code. This code is required to submit an online application. However, it is possible to apply using a hard copy application form.

There is a AdmissionFP user fee of $11.15 (at most) that must be paid using a credit card or Interac Online. Please see the terms and conditions.

Some school service centres have opted to pay the application fee. Should this be the case, you will see a balance of zero dollars. (example).

  • DVS (DEP in French): The Diploma of Vocational Studies, or DVS, is a diploma that is sanctioned by the government. A DVS certifies that a student has successfully completed a secondary-level vocational program for a trade or occupation.

    The length of a DVS program varies between 6 to 18 months (600 to 1 800 hours), depending on the program. A student who has successfully completed a DVS program can also choose to pursue studies with an Attestation of Vocational Specialization, AVS, (if available) or a CEGEP program of their choice, if they have the necessary prerequisites.

    Programs leading to a DVS are developed by the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec and are regularly updated to keep up with the evolution of the job market.

  • AVS (ASP in French): The Attestation of Vocational Specialization, or AVS, is a diploma issued by the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec after successful completion of a training program aimed at improving skills or specialization in a given trade. To be eligible for this training, one must have a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS) or be working in a trade related to the program of study. The length of an AVS varies between 3 to 9 months (300 to 1 230 hours).

  • STC (AEP in French): The Skills Training Certificate, or STC, is a short-term qualifying training that is developed, offered, and sanctioned by a school service centre, an English-language school board or a special-status school board with the authorization of the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES).

    These programs lead to a principal trade, a related trade, or a specialty, and last between 3 to 6 months (180 to 795 hours).

To apply for a DCS college study program, you must use the SRAM, the SRACQ or the SRASL, according to your region.

  • Service régional d’admission du Montréal Métropolitain (SRAM) : www.sram.qc.ca
  • Service régional d’admission au collégial de Québec (SRAQ) : www.sracq.qc.ca
  • Service régional d’admission des cégeps du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (SRASL) : www.srasl.qc.ca
  • DCS (DEC in French): The Diploma of College Studies, or DCS, is issued by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES) for technical or pre-university studies.

    The main goal of technical programs is to prepare students for the labour market, although they may also provide access to university studies. They usually require three years of study (six terms). The program-specific component of technical programs consists of 45 to 65 credits. These programs also include at least one workplace practicum.

    The main goal of pre-university programs is to prepare students for university. They usually require two years of study (four terms). Besides the general education components, pre-university programs also have a program-specific component. The number of credits varies based on the program.
  • ACS (AEC in French): Programs leading to an Attestation of College Studies, or ACS, are technical programs established by colleges. The colleges establish the competencies to be acquired, determine the courses and are responsible for the evaluation of learning and the certification of studies. The ACS diploma is issued by the college.

Specifics :

  • Program-specific components only (no general education courses such as French, Humanities, Physical Education, English, and complementary courses).
  • Short-term (between 4 to 24 months).
  • Developed locally according to the needs of the labour market, therefore rapidly evolving.

Any person attending or who has attended an educational institution in Québec is assigned a personal identification code.

You may find this code on official documents such as report cards and transcripts. It is a code with twelve (12) characters, appearing in this order:

  • First three letters of last name
  • First letter of first name
  • Day of birth (add 62 if born after 1999)
  • Month of birth (add 50 if female)
  • Last two numbers of year of birth
  • 2 numbers chosen by the Ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur to make the code unique to the individual

For more information or to request or modify a permanent code, please consult the following link : www.rps.servicesquebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/citoyen/afficher-sujet/38647/

To study in Québec, you must first have an acceptance letter from the designated educational institution where you wish to study. You must also have a Québec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ). You may then apply for a permit from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Before you begin the process, take the time to learn more about studying in Québec : www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/immigrer-installer/etudiants/informer/index.html

Steps :

It is important to note that some foreign nationals must procure a temporary resident visa to enter Canada. In this case, the Canadian visa office will deliver it along with the study permit.

A work-study program is an educational strategy adapted to the changing needs of the labour market. With the work-study approach, learning the trade or occupation integrates, in a structured way, periods in the classroom and practicums in the workplace.

When searching for a training program, you may select the option for Recognition of acquired competencies (RAC) under the Other specifics section on the page listing the availabilities of the training in question. This will filter the results to show only the training centres offering groups for the recognition of acquired competencies for the relevant program.

You must contact the person responsible for providing authorizations for your educational organization. If you require assistance, please contact us.

The recruitment of new professionals and internships are unfortunately not posted on the Inforoute FPT and AdmissionFP websites, as we are not educational establishments and therefore, we do not have students. However, you may get in touch with the educational institutions offering related programs, as they may be willing to post your offer.

Formation Québec en réseau contributes to the development of workforce skills in order to improve the performance of Québec organizations and businesses.
