Business Services

Self-funded vocational training services that are specifically commissioned by individuals, organizations or businesses, which may or may not correspond to courses prescribed by the Ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieure and that correspond to various worker interests or specific business needs.

Accueillez un stagiaire program

This program is completely free of charge and available to all francophone and anglophone Quebec companies. Funded by the Government of Canada, as part of the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP), Accueillez un stagiaire is an initiative implemented by the FCCQ, in partnership with local chambers of commerce as well as AXTRA, the Alliance of Employment Counselling Centres, and in collaboration with the province's colleges and universities.

The subsidy :

  • Up to 50% of each eligible intern's gross salary, for a maximum of $5000 per student
  • Up to 70% of the gross salary for each first-year intern or intern classified within an under-represented group, up to a maximum of $7000

Start a subsidy application

Formation Québec en réseau

Formation Québec en réseau contributes to the development of workforce skills in order to improve the performance of Québec organizations and businesses.

Tax Credits for Practicums in the Workplace

The purpose of the tax credit for practicums in the workplace is as follows:

  • To ensure that vocational, technical and university training is better adapted to the growing demands of the job market.
  • To improve the level of students’ occupational competencies.
  • To encourage businesses to take more student trainees and facilitate the organization of practicums in the workplace.
  • To support the effort of businesses that contribute to the development of students’ competencies.
  • To strengthen the ties between businesses and educational institutions by putting greater emphasis on practicums in the workplace.


Défi de l'entrepreneuriat jeunesse’s objective is to promote an entrepreneurial culture that fosters the development of attitudes, skills and abilities that will benefit not only tomorrow's entrepreneurs, but also future employees and all citizens. The measures included in this action plan are based on the following three areas of intervention:

  • Recognize school as an essential element in strengthening the entrepreneurial culture among young people.
  • Create an environment conducive to the emergence of a real entrepreneurial culture among youth.
  • Provide effective strategies, accessible and adapted to the needs of young people and future entrepreneurs, so that they may carry out their business project.