Attestation of College Studies (ACS)

Programs leading to an Attestation of College Studies, or ACS, are short technical programs (between 4 months and 24 months) set by the colleges and developed locally according to the needs of the labour market, therefore rapidly evolving. The colleges establish the competencies to be acquired, determine the courses and are responsible for the evaluation of learning and the certification of studies. The ACS diploma is issued by the college.

Name Code
Entrepreneuriat et gestion d'entreprise agricole
Cégep de Victoriaville
Exploitation d'une entreprise apicole
Collège d'Alma
Gestion d'entreprises agricoles
Cégep Beauce-Appalaches – Campus de Saint-Georges
Gestion d'entreprises agricoles
Cégep de Rimouski
Gestion et optimisation d'une entreprise acéricole
Cégep de La Pocatière - Centre d'études collégiales de Montmagny
Gestion et optimisation d'une entreprise acéricole
Cégep de La Pocatière
Gestion et optimisation d'une entreprise acéricole
Cégep de La Pocatière
Production maraîchère biologique
Cégep de Victoriaville
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