CFP Alma (Pavillon Bégin)

Places available
Admission by waiting list
Course full

Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS)

Program Group Status D/E Start Date
Comptabilité 52312411 D Continuous entry
523124lig D/E Continuous entry
Dessin de bâtiment 52502411 D Aug. 28th, 2024
525024lig D Oct. 15th, 2024
Horticulture et jardinerie (Nouvelle version) 53902411 D Aug. 28th, 2024
Production animale 53542411 D Aug. 28th, 2024
Secrétariat 53572411 D Continuous entry
535724lig D/E Continuous entry
Soudage-assemblage (Nouvelle version) 53822400 D Periodic entry
Soutien informatique 53852412L D Oct. 21st, 2024
53852411 D Aug. 28th, 2024
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