CFP Gabriel-Rousseau - Lévis (Secteur Saint-Romuald)

Vente-conseil automobile

Code : 13380 - Sector : Administration, Commerce and Computer Technology - Diploma : Non-Official Courses
Need more information? Contact Services des admissions en formation professionnelle, RAC et SARCA,   (418) 838-3398 poste 53090 ou 1 866 938-3398 -  [email protected]
StatusPlaces available 
Max. Places22
Application DeadlineTo be determined
Cost (including material)±215
Other Specifics
Work-Study Program
Individualized Training
Recognition of Acquired Competencies
Financial assistance
StartTo be determined
End DateTo be determined
Schedule8 h à 15 h 20
Hours per Week30
Seasonal Break6 semaines
SemesterHiver 2026
DiplomaNon-Official Courses

Additional Information

Services des admissions en formation professionnelle, RAC et SARCA
(418) 838-3398 poste 53090 ou 1 866 938-3398 [email protected]

For an application, consult the additional information above, or contact the resource person at (418) 838-3398 poste 53090 ou 1 866 938-3398