Centre de formation Construc-Plus Vocational Centre

Places available
Admission by waiting list
Course full

Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS)

Program Group Status D/E Start Date
Carpentry C243A D Feb. 12th, 2025
C241A D Sept. 12th, 2024
Commercial and Residential Painting P241M D Sept. 3rd, 2024
P242M D Jan. 7th, 2025
Plumbing and Heating PC241A D Sept. 23rd, 2024
Preparing and Finishing Concrete B241M D Aug. 28th, 2024
Welding and Fitting S242M D Feb. 10th, 2025
S241M D Aug. 26th, 2024

Attestation of Vocational Specialty (AVS)

Program Group Status D/E Start Date
High-Pressure Welding HP241M E Jan. 7th, 2025

Skills Training Certificate (STC)

Program Group Status D/E Start Date
Carpentry: Skills Training Certificate C246A D Sept. 19th, 2024

Student for a Day

Program Group Status D/E Start Date
Carpentry 5819 D Periodic entry
Commercial and Residential Painting 5836 D Periodic entry
Plumbing and Heating 5833 D Periodic entry
Preparing and Finishing Concrete 5843 D Periodic entry
Welding and Fitting 5695 D Periodic entry
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