Nova Career Centre

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Course full

Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS)

Program Group Status D/E Start Date
Accounting 5731F24D D Sept. 3rd, 2024
5731F25D D Sept. 15th, 2025
RAC-ACC D To be determined
Automobile Mechanics 5798W25D D Feb. 3rd, 2025
5798F25D D Aug. 18th, 2025
5798W26D D Feb. 2nd, 2026
RAC5798 D To be determined
5798F24D D Aug. 19th, 2024
Hairdressing 5745F24D D Oct. 21st, 2024
5745F25D D Nov. 3rd, 2025
RAC-HAIR D To be determined
Institutional and Home Care Assistance RAC-IHCA D To be determined
RAC-IHCA D Continuous entry
Interior Decorating and Visual Display 5827F24D D Aug. 19th, 2024
5827F25D D Aug. 18th, 2025
Residential and Commercial Drafting 5750F24D D Aug. 19th, 2024
5745F25D D Aug. 18th, 2025
RAC-DRAFT D To be determined
Secretarial Studies 5857F25D D Sept. 15th, 2025
RAC5857 D To be determined
5857F24D D Sept. 11th, 2024
Welding and Fitting 5695W25D D Feb. 3rd, 2025
5695F25D D/E Aug. 18th, 2025
5695W26D D Feb. 2nd, 2026
RAC-WELD D To be determined
5695F24D D/E Aug. 19th, 2024

Attestation of Vocational Specialty (AVS)

Program Group Status D/E Start Date
Construction Business Management 5809F25D E Sept. 8th, 2025
5809F24E E Sept. 9th, 2024
5809F23E E Sept. 11th, 2023
High-Pressure Welding 5734F24E E Sept. 16th, 2024
Starting a Business 5861F24E E Sept. 9th, 2024

Skills Training Certificate (STC)

Program Group Status D/E Start Date
Barbering 4758 E To be determined
Electric Vehicle Mechanics 4746F24E E Sept. 9th, 2024
School Daycare Educator OL4732W23 E Dec. 11th, 2023
4732 E Aug. 26th, 2024
4732F25E E Aug. 25th, 2025
Support for Assistive Services in Health and Social Services Institutions 4770 D Mar. 27th, 2024

Student for a Day

Program Group Status D/E Start Date
Accounting SFAD-ACC D Continuous entry
Automobile Mechanics SFAD-AUTO D Continuous entry
Electric Vehicle Mechanics SFAD-EV E Continuous entry
Hairdressing SFAD-HAIR D Continuous entry
Institutional and Home Care Assistance SFAD-IHCAN E Continuous entry
Interior Decorating and Visual Display SFAD-IDVD D Continuous entry
Residential and Commercial Drafting SFAD-DRAFT D Continuous entry
Welding and Fitting SFAD-WELD D Continuous entry

Non-Official Courses

Program Group Status D/E Start Date
Administration of Medication and Invasive Assistive Care (Bill 90) 4757 D May 29th, 2024
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