Program Objectives

This program is designed to train students to be animal health technicians, mainly in clinical sectors and in research. The work of a technician consists of assisting a veterinarian or research worker in animal experimentation in their work. In both cases, the technician would be called upon to perform tests on the animals, to care for them and to set up the appropriate systems for the carrying out of technical aspects in animal health services.

Length of training

Specific (hours)Total (hours)

Total length of training includes general training that is common to all programs for 420 hours, general training for this program for 150 hours as well as complementary general training courses for 90 hours.

Duration of training consists of theory and lab work for courses; personal time that the student invests is excluded.

Program Content

Number or Code Statement of the Competency
00QJ To analyze the profession
00QK To manage equipment and materials
00QL To admit animals for treatment
00QM To ensure the proper operation of an animal facility
00QN To administer nursing care
00QP To administer nursing care to animals reproduced for consumption
00QQ To perform clinical biochemistry and immunological tests
00QR To perform cytological and histoligical tests and necropsies
00QS To perform haematological tests
00QT To perform microbiological and parasitology tests
00QU To breed animals
00QV To maintain cell and microbial cultures
00QW To assist in radiology
00QX To assist in surgery
00QY To perform dental prophylaxis
00QZ To participate in experimental surgeries
00R0 To perform physiological investigations
00R1 To provide client services
00R2 To participate in an animal experiment
00R3 To use techniques in animal restraint
00R4 To use chemical and biochemical laboratory techniques
00R5 To associate genetic and cellular factors with the growth and reproduction of animals
00R6 To prevent the propagation of microorganisms and parasites
00R7 To establish a link between the anatomy and physiology of animals and their biological functions
00R8 To manage nutrituinal care
00R9 To establish methods for recognizing and modifying animal behaviour
00RA To recognize pathological signs
00RB To analyze the effects of medication on an animal
Number of hours alloted to specific training: 2070 hours

Admission Conditions and Prerequisites

To be admitted to the program, a person must meet the general requirements for admission set out in the College Education Regulations, as well as the following special conditions, where applicable:

Must have passed the following secondary-level course(s):

• Sec. IV EST or SE – Secondary IV Environmental Science and Technology (558404) or Science and the Environment (558402)
• Sec. IV CST – Secondary IV Mathematics: Cultural, Social and Technical Option (563414)

Educational Organizations Offering the Program

College D/E
Vanier College D More info 

Animal Health Technician

Animal health technicians handle, restrain and care for animals during treatments and surgeries performed by veterinarians. They take x-rays, samples and perform laboratory analyses. As part of their duties, they may be responsible for looking after animal quarters and advising clients on pet care. This is a job for people who love animals and have a calm, caring and courteous personality. A career as an animal health technician requires good manual dexterity and empathy.

Average Salary

Animal Health Technician — $21.00

Job Titles

Animal care worker (except farm)
Animal health technician

Targeted Professions

Find out more about a trade or an occupation on Qué

Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (3213)
Pet groomers and animal care workers (6563)

Labour Market Relation

Information from the MEES

In the work force   (Information from the MEES)



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