Program Objectives

The Computer Science Technology program prepares students to practise the occupation of computer science technician in the applications development and computer network administration fields.

In the applications development field, technicians participate in the design of applications operating on different platforms and carry out development and maintenance activities. A large number and variety of applications are developed and used in nearly all industries.

In the computer network administration field, technicians participate in the design of computer networks and carry out installation, management and security activities on networks, servers and computing devices. Their duties consist of ensuring the efficient operation of Internet and intranet services associated with the network, such as the sharing of resources, communications, hosting, telephony, etc.

Technicians also provide technical support to users.

Depending on the scale of the project, the work may be carried out individually or in collaboration with various specialists: other computer technicians, analysts, network or data architecture consultants, project managers, persons responsible for quality assurance, suppliers, etc.

The work environment can vary greatly. It is often made up of cutting-edge hardware and software, and sometimes includes previous generations of components. The work therefore requires a significant ability to adapt, the continuous upgrading of knowledge, excellent reasoning skills, the application of a structured approach, flexibility and an open mind.

Length of training

Specific (hours)Total (hours)

Total length of training includes general training that is common to all programs for 420 hours, general training for this program for 150 hours as well as complementary general training courses for 90 hours.

Duration of training consists of theory and lab work for courses; personal time that the student invests is excluded.

Program Content

The following competencies are compulsory and are developed through training that varies between 32 and 35 credits:

Number or Code Statement of the Competency
0000 Analyze information about working in the field of computer science technology
00Q1 Install and manage computers
00Q2 Use programming languages
00Q3 Solve computer-related problems using mathematics
00Q4 Use office productivity software
00Q5 Deploy a local computer network
00Q6 Use an object-oriented development approach
00Q7 Use a database management system
00Q8 Carry out preventive measures with regard to information security
00SE Interact in a professional setting
00SF Evaluate software and hardware components
00SG Provide users with technical support
00SH Adapt to information technologies

In addition to the compulsory competencies, the educational institution selects 6 or 7 competencies, which are the subject of training that varies between 30 and 33 credits:

Number or Code Statement of the Competency
00SJ Deploy intranet servers
00SK Deploy Internet servers
00SL Deploy database servers
00SM Deploy network interconnecting devices
00SN Automate computer network management tasks
00SP Monitor computer networks
00SQ Collaborate on the design of a computer network
00SR Develop native applications without a database
00SS Develop native applications with a database
00ST Develop non-transactional Web applications
00SU Develop transactional Web applications
00SV Develop data exchange services
00SW Develop gaming or simulation applications
00SX Develop applications for connected objects
00SY Collaborate on the design of applications
Number of hours alloted to specific training: 2010

Admission Conditions and Prerequisites

To be admitted to the program, a person must meet the general requirements for admission set out in the College Education Regulations, as well as the following special conditions, where applicable:

Must have passed the following secondary-level course(s):

• Sec. IV TS or S or Secondary 5 CST Mathematics: Technical and Scientific option (564426) or Secondary 4 Science option (565426) or Secondary 5 Cultural, Social and Technical Option (563504).

Educational Organizations Offering the Program

College D/E
Cégep Heritage College
Cégep John Abbott
Champlain Regional College (campus Lennoxville)
Champlain Regional College (campus Saint-Lambert-Longueuil) D More info 
Collège LaSalle D More info 
Collège LaSalle D More info 
Vanier College D More info 

Computer Technician (network management)
Computer Technician (programmer analyst)
Administrative Data Processing Technician

Related Training(s)

Computer Science Technology

Average Salary

Computer Technician (network management) — $31.94
Computer Technician (programmer analyst) — $42.07
Administrative Data Processing Technician — $42.07

Job Titles

Database administrator (DBA)
Network administrator
Database analyst
Help desk analyst – systems
Systems analyst
Computer analyst
Web site designer
Informatics consultant
Web developer
Programmer analyst
Computer programmer
Technical support supervisor
Computer network technician
Software tester