Gestion d'une entreprise de la construction

CFP Paul-Gérin-Lajoie

CSS des Trois-Lacs - Vaudreuil (Québec) - Region : Montérégie [More Info]
Need more information? Contact Stéphanie Lalonde,   (514) 477-7020 poste 5325 -  [email protected]
StatusCourse full
Max. Places25
Application DeadlineTo be determined
Cost (including material)Environ 300$
Other Specifics
Online Education
StartTo be determined
End DateTo be determined
ScheduleFormule à distance
Hours per WeekÀ déterminer
Seasonal Break-

Additional Information

Stéphanie Lalonde
(514) 477-7020 poste 5325 [email protected]

Course full