Program Objectives

The Market-Fresh Cooking program prepares students to practise the trade of professional cook. The student will learn to develop their professional practice, make charcuterie products, make certain types of bread, make international dishes, make dishes using regional products, prepare plated desserts, develop recipes, standardize recipes, do the mise en place for and serve market-fresh menus and to do the mise en place for and serve tasting menus.

Program Content

Code Statement of Competency Hours Credits
902-442 To develop their professional practice 30 2
902-453 To make charcuterie products 45 3
902-462 To make certain types of bread 30 2
902-473 To make international dishes 45 3
902-486 To make dishes using regional products 90 6
902-494 To prepare plated desserts 60 4
902-502 To develop recipes 30 2
902-512 To standardize recipes 30 2
902-528 To do the mise en place for and serve market-fresh menus 120 8
902-533 To do the mise en place for and serve tasting menus 45 3
525 35

Admission Conditions and Prerequisites

Persons who hold a DVS:
5311 Cuisine
OR 1038 Cuisine d’établissement
OR 5811 Professional Cooking
OR 1538 Professional Cooking
Have been granted recognition of equivalent learning.
Persons practising an occupation related to the program of study.

Functional Prerequisites

Please note that the functional prerequisites do not apply to attestation of vocational specialty programs (AVS).

Specific Prerequisites

Language of instructionSecond languageMathematics
 -  -  -  -  -  - 

Educational Organizations Offering the Program



Places available
Admission by waiting list
Course full
Lester-B.-Pearson SB
Vocational Training Centre Group Status D/E Start Date
Pearson Adult and Career Centre CMAUG25 D Aug. 12th, 2025
CMJAN26 D Jan. 12th, 2026

Market-Fresh Cooking

Cooks prepare charcuteries, baked goods, international dishes, local dishes and desserts. They use new food technology equipment and finish the mise en place before service. As part of their duties, they may be required to estimate food requirements and manage inventory. Market-fresh cooking is a creative field that requires manual skills and attention to detail. A job as a cook is suitable for people who like to work in a team and who can work and thrive under pressure.

Job Titles


Targeted Professions

Find out more about a trade or an occupation on Qué

Chefs (6321)
Cooks (6322)

Want to suggest a training? Write to us at [email protected].