Boucherie de détail

CFP Jonquière (Édifice Mellon)

CSS De La Jonquière - Jonquière (Québec) - Region : Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean [More Info]
Need more information? Contact Sandra Tremblay,   (418) 695-5195, p. 5228 -  [email protected]
GroupDébitage 6
StatusPlaces available 
Max. Places20
Application DeadlineMarch 21st, 2025
Cost (including material)Achat manuels ( 50$)
StartMar. 31st, 2025
End DateApr. 10th, 2025
Schedule17 h-22 h
Hours per Week6 journées de 5 heures
Seasonal BreakN/S

Additional Information

Sandra Tremblay
(418) 695-5195, p. 5228 [email protected]

For an application, consult the additional information above, or contact the resource person at (418) 695-5195, p. 5228