Transport par camion

Services aux entreprises

CSS de la Beauce-Etchemin - Saint-Georges (Québec) - Region : Chaudière-Appalaches [More Info]
Need more information? Contact Régis Veilleux, agent de développement - Service aux entreprises,   418 228-5541, poste 26340 -  [email protected]
StatusAdmission by waiting list 
Max. Places16
Application DeadlineMay 6th, 2025
Cost (including material)±85.004
StartMay 6th, 2025
End DateSept. 13th, 2025
ScheduleLundi au jeudi
Hours per Week28
Seasonal BreakOui

Additional Information

Régis Veilleux, agent de développement - Service aux entreprises
418 228-5541, poste 26340 [email protected]

For an application, consult the additional information above, or contact the resource person at 418 228-5541, poste 26340