
Service de reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences

CSS De La Jonquière - Jonquière, Québec - Region : Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean [More Info]
Need more information? Contact Information RAC,   418-695-5195 poste 5131 -  [email protected]
StatusPlaces available 
Max. Places20
Application Deadline
Cost (including material)Achat de volumes si nécessaire
Continuous Entry, Variable ExitÀ déterminer
ScheduleÀ déterminer
Hours per WeekÀ déterminer
Seasonal Breakoui

Additional Information

Information RAC
418-695-5195 poste 5131 [email protected]

For an application, consult the additional information above, or contact the resource person at 418-695-5195 poste 5131