Program Objectives

The Medical Device Reprocessing program prepares students to practise the occupation of medical device reprocessing attendant.

Medical device reprocessing attendants (MDRA) follow prescribed procedures for reprocessing medical devices (MDs) (instruments, apparatuses, devices and other items) that might be contaminated by micro-organisms so that they can be reused. They are governed by a regulatory framework and current standards. They work mainly in the health and social services sector, in institutions that have medical device reprocessing units (MDRUs) or satellite units, as well as in large or specialized medical clinics.

MDRAs collect contaminated MDs, sort them and preclean them, then send them to the MDRU at a health care institution. They then disassemble the devices, clean and disinfect them, verify that they comply with specifications, check the results of the reprocessing process and reassemble them. They also assemble, package, sterilize, store and distribute MD containers and trays. They prepare equipment carts for service points, including operating room case carts, and distribute or deliver them to the appropriate locations, ensuring that they remain intact and sterile. Case carts are prepared based on the operating schedule, contingencies and emergencies.

MDRAs are responsible for the quality of their work throughout the reprocessing process. They ensure quality control and the traceability of reprocessed devices. They report discrepancies concerning actions taken or omitted, adjustments to environmental parameters, equipment and apparatuses, and anything else that might compromise the disinfection and sterilization of MDs. They apply an established protocol and fill out incident/accident reports if applicable.
In addition, MDRAs communicate with various internal service points (e.g. endoscopy service, operating room, care unit) and external service points (e.g. local community service centres [CLSC], medical clinics). They transmit relevant information about MD reprocessing needs and prioritize their work based on requests and emergencies.

MDRAs must ensure the compliance of their work environment. In this regard, they often see to the general maintenance and proper functioning of the cleaning, disinfection and sterilization apparatuses and equipment used. They also clean and decontaminate work areas and keep equipment and supply inventories up to date.

Program Content

Code Statement of Competency Hours Credits
752-572 Determine their suitability for the occupation and the training process 30 2
752-582 Consider the legal, normative and ethical aspects of the occupation 30 2
752-594 Take basic precautions aimed at preventing and controlling contamination 60 4
752-605 Classify medical devices by type and disassemble them 75 5
752-615 Classify medical devices by use and risk category 75 5
752-623 Prevent risks related to the precleaning of medical devices 45 3
752-632 Preclean medical devices 30 2
752-644 Prevent risks related to the cleaning and disinfection of medical devices 60 4
752-653 Clean medical devices 45 3
752-662 Disinfect medical devices 30 2
752-672 Establish collaborative relationships at work 30 2
752-684 Assemble medical devices 60 4
752-692 Package medical devices 30 2
752-705 Prevent risks related to the sterilization of medical devices 75 5
752-714 Sterilize medical devices 60 4
752-723 Store, inventory and distribute medical devices 45 3
752-733 Prevent risks related to the reprocessing of flexible endoscopic devices 45 3
752-745 Reprocess flexible endoscopic devices 75 5
752-756 Reprocess medical devices in the soiled area 90 6
752-766 Reprocess medical devices in the clean and sterile areas 90 6
1080 72

Admission Conditions and Prerequisites

To be eligible for admission to this program, candidates must meet one of the following requirements:

Persons holding a Secondary School Diploma or its recognized equivalent, for example, an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V studies, or a postsecondary diploma such as the Diploma of College Studies or a Bachelor's degree
Persons who are at least 16 years of age on September 30 of the school year in which their training is to begin and have earned the Secondary IV credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in the programs of study established by the Minister, or have been granted recognition for equivalent learning
Persons who are at least 18 years of age upon entry into the program and have the following functional prerequisites: the successful completion of the General Development Test (see the following table), or recognition of equivalent learning
Persons who have obtained Secondary III credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in programs established by the Minister are required to pursue general education courses, concurrently with their vocational training, in order to obtain the Secondary IV credits they lack in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in programs established by the Minister.

Functional Prerequisites

A person who has reached the age of 18 can be admitted to a program of study leading to a Diploma of vocational studies (DVS) based on functional prerequisites. These prerequisites, in place for those aged at least 18 years at the start date declared for the vocational training program, are: successful completion of the general development test (GDT) and obtaining and passing the tests relative to the specific prerequisites in the language of instruction and mathematics, if applicable.

This table indicates the new course codes for common core basic education (CCBE) and diversified basic education (DBE) required for the specific prerequisites in language of instruction and mathematics for the targeted program of study. In the cases where the new course codes for the CCBE and the DBE are in progressive implementation, the old codes are indicated in parenthesis and are still valid. The equivalent course codes in basic education in the youth sector are also indicated in the table. When a DVS does not require any specific prerequisites in language of instruction or in mathematics, a (-) will be displayed in the appropriate field. Please note that the functional prerequisites do not apply to attestation of vocational specialty (AVS) programs.

Specific Prerequisites

Language of instructionSecond languageMathematics
ENG-3103-3 or (ENG-3071-3)632-306 or (630-316)--MTH-2101-3 or (MTH-2006-2)563-226 or (563-206)

Educational Organizations Offering the Program



Places available
Admission by waiting list
Course full
Riverside SB
Vocational Training Centre Group Status D/E Start Date
ACCESS Career Centre RMD250331 D Mar. 31st, 2025

Medical Device Reprocessing

Medical device reprocessing attendants ensure the proper operation and maintenance of medical equipment in accordance with current protocols. They work in the medical device reprocessing units (MDRUs) of healthcare establishments, operating rooms, or departments where sterilization is required. They collect contaminated medical devices and disinfect them. They prepare equipment carts and transport them where needed. It’s an essential job that demands cleanliness and method. It is suited to people with good dexterity who are responsible and organized.

Targeted Professions

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Other assisting occupations in support of health services (3414)

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