Program Objectives

The Horticulture and Garden Centre Operations program prepares students to practise the occupation of horticultural worker.

Horticultural workers are employed in a variety of settings: for private garden maintenance and landscaping companies, for municipal services, for garden centres and nurseries, for non-profit organizations and public gardens, and so on.

Program Content

Code Statement of Competency Hours Credits
705-401 The occupation and the training process 15 1
705-416 Botanical and environmental aspects 90 6
705-426 Herbaceous plants 90 6
705-433 Basic tasks 45 3
705-444 Woody plants 60 4
705-453 Pruning plants 45 3
705-465 Soils, substrates and fertilization 75 5
705-475 Plant health 75 5
705-483 Pesticide use 45 3
705-493 Horticultural equipment 45 3
705-506 Production of ornemental and edible plants 90 6
705-513 Reception and presentation of plants and complementary horticultural products 45 3
705-522 Communication in the workplace 30 2
705-533 Spring maintenance of an in-ground garden 45 3
705-544 Summer and fall maintenance of an in-ground garden 60 4
705-553 Harvesting of edible and ornemental plants 45 3
705-566 Drawing a planting plan 90 6
705-573 Layout and maintenance of a raised-bed garden 45 3
705-584 Layout of in-ground gardens 60 4
705-594 Layout and maintenance of an indoor living wall or a mosaiculture 60 4
705-603 Customer service and sale of plants and complementary horticultural products 45 3
705-617 Entering the workforce 105 7
754-992 Health and safety on construction sites 30 2
1335 89

Admission Conditions and Prerequisites

To be eligible for admission to this program, candidates must meet one of the following requirements:

Persons holding a Secondary School Diploma or its recognized equivalent, for example, an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V studies, or a postsecondary diploma such as the Diploma of College Studies or a Bachelor's degree
Persons who are at least 16 years of age on September 30 of the school year in which their training is to begin and have earned the Secondary IV credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in the programs of study established by the Minister, or have been granted recognition for equivalent learning
Persons who are at least 18 years of age upon entry into the program and have the following functional prerequisites: the successful completion of the General Development Test (see the following table), or recognition of equivalent learning
Persons who have obtained Secondary III credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in programs established by the Minister are required to pursue general education courses, concurrently with their vocational training, in order to obtain the Secondary IV credits they lack in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in programs established by the Minister.

Functional Prerequisites

A person who has reached the age of 18 can be admitted to a program of study leading to a Diploma of vocational studies (DVS) based on functional prerequisites. These prerequisites, in place for those aged at least 18 years at the start date declared for the vocational training program, are: successful completion of the general development test (GDT) and obtaining and passing the tests relative to the specific prerequisites in the language of instruction and mathematics, if applicable.

This table indicates the new course codes for common core basic education (CCBE) and diversified basic education (DBE) required for the specific prerequisites in language of instruction and mathematics for the targeted program of study. In the cases where the new course codes for the CCBE and the DBE are in progressive implementation, the old codes are indicated in parenthesis and are still valid. The equivalent course codes in basic education in the youth sector are also indicated in the table. When a DVS does not require any specific prerequisites in language of instruction or in mathematics, a (-) will be displayed in the appropriate field. Please note that the functional prerequisites do not apply to attestation of vocational specialty (AVS) programs.

Specific Prerequisites

Language of instructionSecond languageMathematics
ENG 3101-1 et ENG 3102-2 (ENG 3070-3)632-306 (630 316)--MTH 2101-3 (MTH 2006-2)563-206 (563-212)

Educational Organizations Offering the Program



Places available
Admission by waiting list
Course full
New Frontiers SB
Vocational Training Centre Group Status D/E Start Date
Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre (HAECC) 5890F25D - D Aug. 11th, 2025

Horticulture and Garden Centre Operations (New version)

Landscape gardeners maintain gardens, trees, shrubs, lawns or indoor plants. They sell plants and gardening equipment. As part of their duties, they may have to design and draft landscape plans. This job is best suited for people who enjoy working outdoors and have good physical stamina. A job as a landscape gardener is for active people who are good with their hands, self-reliant and meticulous.

Job Titles

Landscape gardener
Landscape worker
Horticulture worker