Hygiène et salubrité en milieux de soins

CRIF - Centre régional intégré de formation (Granby)

CSS du Val-des-Cerfs - Granby (Québec) - Region : Estrie [More Info]
Need more information? Contact Mylène Gagnon,   579-488-1216 -  [email protected]
StatusPlaces available 
Max. Places15
Application DeadlineNovember 22nd, 2023
Cost (including material)130 $ non taxable
StartNov. 22nd, 2023
End DateApr. 12th, 2024
Schedule16h à 22h
Hours per Weeklundi au vendredi
Seasonal Break

Additional Information

Mylène Gagnon
579-488-1216 [email protected]

For an application, consult the additional information above, or contact the resource person at 579-488-1216