Program Objectives

The program prepares students to practise the occupation of school Daycare Educator. The main and usual role of school Daycare Educators is to organize, plan and implement a variety of activities that promote, in keeping with the school’s educational project, the overall development of preschool and elementary school children in their care and ensure the children’s safety and well-being.


School Daycare Educator

Program Content

Code Statement of Competency Hours Credits
STC 732-011 Determine their suitability for the occupation and the work context 15 1
STC 732-022 Develop professional relationships in the workplace 30 2
STC 732-033 Work with children and groups of children of preschool and school age 45 3
STC 732-042 Work with children or groups of children experiencing various problems 30 2
STC 732-053 Plan and organize activities for children and groups of children 45 3
STC 732-061 Ensure the safety and well-being of children 15 1
STC 732-072 Oversee activities related to meals and snacks 30 2
STC 732-083 Conduct activities focusing on social, emotional and moral development 45 3
STC 732-093 Conduct activities focusing on psychomotor development 45 3
STC 732-103 Conduct activities focusing on cognitive development 45 3
STC 732-113 Integrate into a school daycare 45 3
390 26

Admission Conditions and Prerequisites

Hold a Secondary School Diploma (SSD) or its equivalent

Educational Organizations Offering the Program



Places available
Admission by waiting list
Course full
CS Central Québec
Vocational Training Centre Group Status D/E Start Date
CF Eastern Québec RACSDC D Continuous entry
SDC2526 D/E To be determined


Places available
Admission by waiting list
Course full
Eastern Townships SB
Vocational Training Centre Group Status D/E Start Date
CFP Lennoxville SDE-2024 E Mar. 31st, 2025
Recognition of acquired competencies (RAC) ETSB SDE2023 D/E Continuous entry
SAE Estrie
Vocational Training Centre Group Status D/E Start Date
Cowansville Sector - EN SDE-C01 D Mar. 18th, 2024
Sector Lennoxville SDE-L01 - D Mar. 18th, 2024
BILINGUAL D/E To be determined
ENGLISH D/E To be determined


Places available
Admission by waiting list
Course full
CS Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier (Laval)
Vocational Training Centre Group Status D/E Start Date
CDC Laurier Pont-Viau Daycare10 D/E June 5th, 2025


Places available
Admission by waiting list
Course full
New Frontiers SB
Vocational Training Centre Group Status D/E Start Date
Nova Career Centre 4732F25E E Aug. 25th, 2025
Riverside SB
Vocational Training Centre Group Status D/E Start Date
ACCESS Career Centre RAC-DC D/E Periodic entry
DC240916 D Sept. 16th, 2024
DC2409PM E Sept. 16th, 2024


Places available
Admission by waiting list
Course full
English-Montréal SB
Vocational Training Centre Group Status D/E Start Date
Shadd Health and Business Ctr./Centre d'études commerciales Shadd SDG-3125 D May 20th, 2025
Lester-B.-Pearson SB
Vocational Training Centre Group Status D/E Start Date
Pearson Electrotechnology Centre 4732 E Jan. 22nd, 2024
DC250121 E Jan. 21st, 2025


Places available
Admission by waiting list
Course full
Western Québec SB
Vocational Training Centre Group Status D/E Start Date
Pontiac Continuing Education Centre 1 D/E To be determined
Western Québec Career Centre 1 E To be determined

School Daycare Educator

School daycare educators organize, prepare and lead various activities promoting the development of preschool and elementary school students while ensuring their well-being and safety. They intervene with respect to children’s behaviour. This is an essential profession that requires empathy, autonomy, listening skills and the ability to communicate with children. A job as a school daycare educator is suitable for responsible, vigilant and creative individuals.