Career Development Services

Places available
Admission by waiting list
Course full

Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS)

Program Group Status D/E Start Date
Accounting D To be determined
AC 2021 D/E Continuous entry
Aesthetics AESTH 2021 D Continuous entry
Automobile Mechanics AUTO 2021 D/E Continuous entry
Dental Assistance DENT 2021 D/E Continuous entry
Electricity ELEC 2021 D/E Continuous entry
Food and Beverage Services FB 2021 D Continuous entry
General Building Maintenance GBM 2021 D/E Continuous entry
Hairdressing HAIR 2021 D Continuous entry
Institutional and Home Care Assistance IaHA 2021 D/E Continuous entry
Plumbing and Heating PLUMB 2021 D/E Continuous entry
Professional Cooking COOK 2021 D/E Periodic entry
Professional Sales SALES D/E Continuous entry
Residential and Commercial Drafting DRAFT 2021 D/E Continuous entry
Retail Butchery BUTCH 2021 D/E Continuous entry
Secretarial Studies SEC 2021 D Continuous entry
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