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Mamady Berete, from Guinea to Abitibi
Mamady Berete, from Guinea to Abitibi

Mamady Berete, a Guinean with a university degree in Guinea, chose to study Welding and Fitting (DVS) in Abitibi. According to him, Québec sets itself apart by the quality of its education and its many job opportunities. Halfway through completing his DVS, he is sharing his story.

Stories FPT May

Armel Yonzoua Kuibou, failure is not an option
Armel Yonzoua Kuibou, failure is not an option

Armel grew up in Yaoundé, surrounded by his eight brothers and sisters. After his studies in Cameroon, he decided to deepen his technical knowledge. For this, he chose Québec. Supported by his family, he opted for a DVS in Industrial Construction and Maintenance Mechanics at the Carrefour formation Mauricie in Shawinigan. That was just the beginning of his adventure. 

Stories FPT Apr.

Fleur Lemoine, licensed practical nurse, an affair of the heart
Fleur Lemoine, licensed practical nurse, an affair of the heart

Fleur Lemoine was born in Bayonne, France. Already interested in Québec as a teenager, Fleur held on to her dreams and never forgot the beautiful province. Today she is a licensed practical nurse who trained at the Centre de formation professionnelle des métiers de la santé, in Kirkland, and he is blossoming in her new life. Read on to discover her inspiring journey. 

Stories FPT Apr.

Besma Moumni, a ray of sunshine, from Tunisia to Québec
Besma Moumni, a ray of sunshine, from Tunisia to Québec

Besma Moumni Ep Ben Janallah is from Tunisia. After a stint in Saud Arabia, she and her family chose to settle in Québec. Her immigration journey inspires admiration and has led her to return to school in a DVS in Installation and Repair of Telecommunications Equipment.

Stories FPT Apr.

Jérémy Blaser, choosing vocational training to better choose Québec
Jérémy Blaser, choosing vocational training to better choose Québec

Jérémy Blaser, 39, originally from France, decided to move to Québec. It was by undertaking a vocational training that he was able to discover the job market and establish himself permanently in Québec. He is sharing his successful journey with Compétences Québec. 

Stories FPT Apr.

Marie-Ève Beauregard, from hairdresser to auto bodywork champion
Marie-Ève Beauregard, from hairdresser to auto bodywork champion

Marie-Ève Beauregard, from Lachute, won gold at the Skills Canada National Competition in Autobody Repair. Previously a hairdresser, she changed career paths and found a job she is passionate about while returning to school with determination. 

Stories FPT Apr.

Juliette Gagnon, proud miner
Juliette Gagnon, proud miner

27-year-old Juliette Gagnon, from Lanoraie, works as an ore extraction miner at the Casa Berardi mine in La Sarre. After years of questioning in a social context where gender identity and sexual orientation are still subject to discrimination, Juliette began to reflect on her professional future, which led her to return to school.

Stories FPT Apr.

Anna Vinson : cap sur Montréal pour l’expérience In French Only
Anna Vinson : cap sur Montréal pour l’expérience

Anna Vinson, 29 ans, est venue à Montréal pour compléter un diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP) en décoration intérieure et présentation visuelle. Elle a travaillé deux ans dans sa ville d’adoption avant de retourner en France. Nous avons discuté avec elle de son parcours.

Diversité FPT Feb.

Edgard Trujillo : un entrepreneur passionné In French Only
Edgard Trujillo : un entrepreneur passionné

Le parcours d'Edgard Trujillo est tout sauf banal. L’homme d’affaires de 29 ans nous parle de son processus de réorientation professionnelle et de ses aspirations qui allient cuisine et ébénisterie.

Diversité FPT Dec.

Oluwafemi Marie-Ange Badirou, du Bénin à Montréal, et sur le podium des Olympiades! In French Only
Oluwafemi Marie-Ange Badirou, du Bénin à Montréal, et sur le podium des Olympiades!

Marie-Ange Badirou, 28 ans, a quitté le Bénin pour s’établir à Montréal afin de poursuivre des études à Polytechnique, puis elle a réalisé un autre rêve en étudiant la mode à l’École des Métiers des Faubourgs-de -Montréal. Récit d’un parcours fait de courage, de ténacité et de travail acharné!

Diversité FPT Dec.

Josias Abdiel, du Cameroun à Granby puis médaillé aux  Olympiades In French Only
Josias Abdiel, du Cameroun à Granby puis médaillé aux Olympiades

Josias Abdiel Tchakoumegne Sankeu, 22 ans, du Cameroun, étudie au cégep de Granby en Génie électrique : automatisation et contrôle. Le jeune homme a réalisé un rêve cette année en participant aux Olympiades des métiers et de technologies en Mécatronique en équipe avec Florence Fournier.

Diversité FPT Nov.

Christine Labrecque, technicienne en santé animale In French Only
Christine Labrecque, technicienne en santé animale

Christine Labrecque, 35 ans, vit avec un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA). Après ses études secondaires et deux années de cégep, la jeune femme s’est engagée dans des études en Techniques de santé animale.

Diversité FPT Aug.