Info FPT Montérégie
Keely Shay Tekawisahá:wi Paul, time to learn the carpentry trade
Keely Shay Tekawisahá:wi Paul, time to learn the carpentry trade

Keely Shay Tekawisahá:wi Paul was raised by her mother and grew up in the Kahnawake territory, surrounded by a large family in a caring community. At 24, the young  Mohawk decided to tackle the challenge of returning to vocational school in a field that has always piqued her interest: construction.

Stories FPT Nov.

Nathalie Boujard, going with the flow
Nathalie Boujard, going with the flow

Nathalie Boujard, along with her spouse and daughter, left France to come and live an adventure in Québec. It was an opportunity for her to find a new challenging and essential trade: water treatment operator, a trade that happens to be a male-dominated profession.

Stories FPT May

Heather Lidberg, battling prejudice to build a better future
Heather Lidberg, battling prejudice to build a better future

Today a carpenter but once a Blue Helmet serving in Bosnia, Heather Lidberg, who trained in the fine arts and then carpentry, traveled throughout the Americas before settling in Rigaud, near Montreal. She has many tales to tell, but they all share a common thread: that of a woman driven by her convictions and her commitment to fighting against prejudice daily.

Tradeswomen Trailblazers Mar.

Jenifer St-Hilaire, a spark leading the charge
Jenifer St-Hilaire, a spark leading the charge

As a child, she would tag along to job sites with her father. That spark of interest grew, and after several years on the job market, Jenifer now teaches electricity at the École Professionnelle des Métiers. Is this trade exclusive to men? No way!

Tradeswomen Trailblazers Apr.

Amy Ovans, working toward success
Amy Ovans, working toward success

Amy Ovans is no stranger to hard work and willpower. She enrolled in the DVS for Welding while waiting for her chance to become a heavy equipment operator. In the end, she never left the field and is working her way up the ladder.

Tradeswomen Trailblazers Mar.

Karine Boucher, find your calling
Karine Boucher, find your calling

She made her own way. Although her path was strewn with pitfalls, victories and sometimes questioning, Karine Boucher has finally fulfilled her wish: to work in a construction trade. Winner of the Olympiades québécoises des métiers et des technologies and the Hats Off to You! contest, she is an example of perseverance.

Tradeswomen Trailblazers Nov.

Laurie Breton is optimistic about her career as an aircraft mechanic.
Laurie Breton is optimistic about her career as an aircraft mechanic.

When she was about ten years old, Laurie Breton received a small-scale model helicopter for building. This Christmas gift would be a catalyst for her.

Tradeswomen Trailblazers Mar.

Un Challenge attendu en Mécanique agricole In French Only
Un Challenge attendu en Mécanique agricole

La 2e édition du Challenge de la compétence mettra en vedette les élèves du programme de Mécanique agricole lors d’une journée de compétition haute en couleur !

Promotion June

Jérémy Pelletier : l In French Only
Jérémy Pelletier : l'usinage, une affaire de famille!

Jérémy Pelletier, 20 ans, a su très tôt que l’usinage serait son métier. Une passion transmise par son père et son grand-père, machinistes de métier. Même s’il lui manque un bras en raison d’une malformation, il est évident que ce diplômé du Centre Bernard-Gariépy amorce actuellement une belle carrière!

Formation professionnelle June

Kimberley Pellerin, faire connaître le métier de tailleur de pierre In French Only
Kimberley Pellerin, faire connaître le métier de tailleur de pierre

Kimberley Pellerin, apprentie de 26 ans, originaire de Sorel-Tracy, a représenté le Québec en compagnie d’une autre compétitrice — une première dans un métier traditionnellement masculin —. Elle a répondu à nos questions sur son métier méconnu.

Pionnières de la compétence Apr.

Jade Niles, apprentie en taille de pierre In French Only
Jade Niles, apprentie en taille de pierre

Jade Niles, 25 ans, élève en briquetage et maçonnerie au Adult Education and Career Training Centre (ACCESS) de Longueuil et apprentie en taille de pierre nous a fait le récit de son choix de carrière et de formation.

Pionnières de la compétence Apr.

Anna Vinson : cap sur Montréal pour l’expérience In French Only
Anna Vinson : cap sur Montréal pour l’expérience

Anna Vinson, 29 ans, est venue à Montréal pour compléter un diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP) en décoration intérieure et présentation visuelle. Elle a travaillé deux ans dans sa ville d’adoption avant de retourner en France. Nous avons discuté avec elle de son parcours.

Diversité FPT Feb.

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