Objectifs du programme

The practice of this trade is to train individuals who will have to inform, supervise, bring together, manage, advise and lead a group of fishers or hunters. The guide must demonstrate the appropriate hunting and fishing techniques to support, in compliance with the regulations in force and safety rules, an experience that meets the group's expectations.

Fonction de travail

Hunting and Fishing Guide

Contenu du programme

Code Énoncé de la compétence Heures Unités
STC 733-011 Determine their suitability for the trade and training process 15 1
STC 733-023 Ensure safe access to wildlife territory 45 3
STC 733-032 Navigate in wildlife territory 30 2
STC 733-042 Drive in wildlife territory 30 2
STC 733-052 Use hunting weapons 30 2
STC 733-062 Maintain buildings and infrastructure 30 2
STC 733-072 Interact with clients 30 2
STC 733-086 Prepare for hunting activities 90 6
STC 733-094 Prepare for fishing activities 60 4
STC 733-1012 Guide clients in hunting activities 180 12
STC 733-118 Guide clients in fishing activities 120 8
STC 733-124 Dress and prepare the client’s catch 60 4
720 48

Conditions d'admission et préalables

A person who meets the following conditions is eligible for admission to a program of study leading to an STC:
1. Has obtained at least Secondary III credits or the equivalent in the language of instruction, second language and mathematics;
or Has obtained an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary Studies (AESS);
or Has successfully completed the General Development Test (GDT) with or without specific prerequisites.
2. Has interrupted their full-time studies for at least 12 months;
or Is 18 years old when entering training;
or Has obtained a Secondary School Diploma (SSD) or a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS) or their equivalent;
or Meets the eligibility conditions of Emploi-Québec's workforce training measure.
(This STC is eligible for the TCST-STC bridge)

Admission requirements for the TCST-STC bridge

The admission requirements for the TCST-STC bridge are identical to those that apply to the TCST-DVS bridge:
- Hold a TCST;
AND - Be at least 16 years old on September 30 of the school year in which you start vocational training;
AND - Have earned the required credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in Secondary Cycle 1 in general education in the youth sector or in Secondary II in adult general education.

Organismes scolaires offrant le programme

Horaire :
Il n'y a aucun groupe offert pour cet affinage. Effacer l'affinage

Hunting and Fishing Guide

Les guides de chasse et pêche animent des groupes de pêcheurs ou de chasseurs. Ils enseignent  des techniques de chasse ou de pêche dans le respect des règlements en vigueur et des règles de sécurité. Un emploi comme guide de chasse et pêche exige une bonne condition physique et des qualités de débrouillardise, d’autonomie, de sociabilité et de responsabilité. C’est un métier stimulant pour qui aime travailler au grand air en nature.

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