Objectifs du programme

To train students to provide hygiene and beauty care for pets to ensure the animal’s well-being and meet its psychological and physical needs while also catering to clients’ requests.

Fonction de travail

Pet groomer

Contenu du programme

Code Énoncé de la compétence Heures Unités
AEP 743-011 Determine their suitability for the occupation and the training process 15 1
AEP 743-022 Prevent health and safety hazards in the workplace 30 2
AEP 743-033 Establish links between the anatomical characteristics of pets and the grooming process 45 3
AEP 743-042 Communicate in the workplace 30 2
AEP 743-054 Interpret pet behaviour 60 4
AEP 743-063 Prevent infections and contamination 45 3
AEP 743-074 Provide pets with basic hygiene care 60 4
AEP 743-083 Shave or trim a pet’s coat 45 3
AEP 743-094 Give a finishing cut 60 4
AEP 743-101 Provide first aid for pets 15 1
AEP 743-111 Carry out administrative tasks 15 1
AEP 743-125 Enter the workforce 75 5
495 33

Conditions d'admission et préalables

A person who meets the following conditions is eligible for admission to a program of study leading to an STC:
1. Has obtained at least Secondary III credits or the equivalent in the language of instruction, second language and mathematics
or Has obtained an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary Studies (AESS)
or Has passed the General Development Test (GDT) with or without specific prerequisites.
2. Has interrupted their full-time studies for at least 12 months
or Is at least 18 years of age when they begin their training
or Has obtained a Secondary School Diploma (SSD) or a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS) or their equivalent
or Meets the eligibility criteria of Emploi-Québec’s workforce training measure

This program is accessible via the TCST-STC bridge

Organismes scolaires offrant le programme

Horaire :
Il n'y a aucun groupe offert pour cet affinage. Effacer l'affinage

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