Objectifs du programme

Computer graphics designers work for companies specializing in the graphic communications, multimedia and corporate sectors, which include magazines, newspapers, packaging companies, manufacturers of other print products, Web site producers and electronic product manufacturers. Computer graphics designers can also be self-employed.

They produce page layout templates and create page layouts. Their work involves processing images and text, incorporating them into page layouts and preparing the layouts for printing and multimedia distribution while ensuring that they meet technical distribution standards.

Contenu du programme

Code Énoncé de la compétence Heures Unités
965-011 Determine their suitability for the occupation and the training process 15 1
965-024 Manage a computer environment 60 4
965-037 Create vector images 105 7
965-046 Create raster images 90 6
965-056 Determine their suitability to work in graphic communications production 90 6
965-066 Acquire images 90 6
965-074 Manage colour profiles 60 4
965-086 Produce composite images for standard printing 90 6
965-096 Produce composite images for visual interfaces 90 6
965-104 Use tools to proofread texts written in English 60 4
965-116 Manipulate typographic elements 90 6
965-127 Create simple page layouts for print documents 105 7
965-137 Create simple page layouts for visual interfaces 105 7
965-146 Create simple page layout templates for visual interfaces 90 6
965-156 Create page layout templates for print documents 90 6
965-164 Prepare imposition proofs with finishing for standard formats 60 4
965-177 Create complex page layouts for print documents 105 7
965-184 Prepare rasterized documents 60 4
965-194 Prepare documents for digital printing 60 4
965-205 Prepare documents for standard offset printing 75 5
965-216 Manage a graphic communications microbusiness 90 6
965-228 Integrate into the workplace 120 8
1800 120

Conditions d'admission et préalables

To be eligible for admission to this program, candidates must meet one of the following requirements:

Persons holding a Secondary School Diploma or its recognized equivalent, for example, an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V studies, or a postsecondary diploma such as the Diploma of College Studies or a Bachelor's degree
Persons who are at least 16 years of age on September 30 of the school year in which their training is to begin and have earned the Secondary IV credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in the programs of study established by the Minister, or have been granted recognition for equivalent learning
Persons who are at least 18 years of age upon entry into the program and have the following functional prerequisites: the successful completion of the General Development Test (see the following table), or recognition of equivalent learning
Persons who have obtained Secondary III credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in programs established by the Minister are required to pursue general education courses, concurrently with their vocational training, in order to obtain the Secondary IV credits they lack in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in programs established by the Minister.

Préalables fonctionnels

A person who has reached the age of 18 can be admitted to a program of study leading to a Diploma of vocational studies (DVS) based on functional prerequisites. These prerequisites, in place for those aged at least 18 years at the start date declared for the vocational training program, are: successful completion of the general development test (GDT) and obtaining and passing the tests relative to the specific prerequisites in the language of instruction and mathematics, if applicable.

This table indicates the new course codes for common core basic education (CCBE) and diversified basic education (DBE) required for the specific prerequisites in language of instruction and mathematics for the targeted program of study. In the cases where the new course codes for the CCBE and the DBE are in progressive implementation, the old codes are indicated in parenthesis and are still valid. The equivalent course codes in basic education in the youth sector are also indicated in the table. When a DVS does not require any specific prerequisites in language of instruction or in mathematics, a (-) will be displayed in the appropriate field. Please note that the functional prerequisites do not apply to attestation of vocational specialty (AVS) programs.

Préalables spécifiques

Langue d'enseignementLangue secondeMathématique
ENG-3103-3 ou (ENG-3071-3)632-406 ou (630-416)--MTH-3053-2 ou (MTH-3016-2)563-306 ou (568-314)

Organismes scolaires offrant le programme

Horaire :


Places disponibles
Admission sur liste d'attente
Cours complet
CSS du Val-des-Cerfs
Centre de formation professionnelle Groupe État J/S Date de début
Campus de Brome-Missisquoi (Cowansville) 25IN5-03 A J 17 mars 2025
25IN3-08 A J 28 août 2025
25IN5-08 A J 28 août 2025
25INC-08 A J 28 août 2025
Eastern Townships SB
Centre de formation professionnelle Groupe État J/S Date de début
Brome-Missisquoi Campus (Cowansville) 25IN5-03 A J 17 mars 2025
Recognition of Acquired Competencies (RAC)


Places disponibles
Admission sur liste d'attente
Cours complet
English-Montréal SB
Centre de formation professionnelle Groupe État J/S Date de début
EMSB-AEVS Vocational Training Centre Graph_test J Entrée continue
Rosemount Technology Centre/Centre de technologie Rosemont CG5-MY25 J 12 mai 2025
CGN1-N24 S Entrée continue
Shadd Health and Business Centre/Centre d'études commerciales Shadd


Les infographistes numérisent et retouchent des images. Ils effectuent des choix de lettrage et intègrent des images dans des mises en pages web ou imprimées. Ils réalisent des gabarits de mises en pages et assemblent des documents pour l’impression ou pour une diffusion multimédia. Dans le cadre de leurs fonctions, ils peuvent aussi avoir à prendre des photographies. C’est un métier créatif pour les personnes qui ont des aptitudes pour le dessin, la communication et les arts visuels en général. Un emploi comme infographiste exige curiosité, débrouillardise, concentration et application.

Formation(s) connexe(s)

Illustration et dessin animé
Photographie (DEC)

Salaire moyen

Infographiste — 28,85 $

Appellation(s) d'emploi

Compositeur/compositrice en éditique
Designer graphique
Technicien/technicienne de prépresse


Sites Internet
Comité sectoriel de la main-d'œuvre des communications graphiques du Québec https://communicationsgraphiques.org

Vous souhaitez proposer une information? Écrivez-nous à [email protected].