Objectifs du programme

This program is designed to train people to be capable in dealing with the general population, or with specific groups in the area of recreation. They are responsible for planning, organizing, coordinating, animating and evaluating various activities of a socio-recreational nature.

Durée de la formation

Spécifique (heures)Totale (heures)

Total length of training includes general training that is common to all programs for 420 hours, general training for this program for 150 hours as well as complementary general training courses for 90 hours.

Duration of training consists of theory and lab work for courses; personal time that the student invests is excluded.

Contenu du programme

Numéro ou code Énoncé de la compétence
01AD To analyse the occupation
01AE To analyse the characteristics of clients and their recreational needs
01AF To recognize significant indicators for recreation leadership
01AG To manage health and safety risks
01AH To organize recreational activities
01AJ To use creativity in a work context
01AK To interact in the workplace
01AL To lead recreational activities
01AM To lead a work team meeting
01AN To create and adapt work management tools
01AP To manage material resources
01AQ To manage a recreational activities budget
01AR To supervise human resources
01AS To analyse recreation trends in specific contexts
01AT To develop recreational activities
01AU To establish programming for recreational services
01AV To promote recreational services
01AW To recruit humain resources
01AX To carry out a fundraising activity
01AY To supervise a recreational activities project
01AZ To lead recreational activities for clients
Number of hours alloted to specific training: 1935 hours

Conditions d'admission et préalables

To be admitted to the program, a person must meet the general requirements for admission set out in the College Education Regulations, as well as the following special conditions, where applicable:

• no requirements

Organismes scolaires offrant le programme

Aucun organisme scolaire n'offre ce programme présentement Effacer l'affinage

Animateur en sports et loisirs

Les animatrices et les animateurs en sports et loisirs organisent et animent des activités de sport et de loisir auprès de différentes clientèles et dans différents milieux (scolaire, municipal, institutionnel et communautaire). Dans le cadre de leurs fonctions, ils gèrent les ressources matérielles et financières, recrutent et supervisent du personnel et effectuent la promotion des activités. C’est un métier dynamique qui convient aux personnes actives, responsables, dotées d’un bon leadership et d’un esprit d’initiative. Un emploi comme animateur en sports et en loisirs exige également des aptitudes en communication.

Formation(s) connexe(s)

Techniques d'éducation spécialisée
Techniques de tourisme
Techniques de travail social

Salaire moyen

Animateur en sports et loisirs — 17,00 $

Appellation(s) d'emploi

Animateur/animatrice en loisirs
Directeur/directrice des loisirs
Technicien/technicienne en loisirs