Objectifs du programme

The Radiation Oncology Technology program prepares students to practise the profession of radiation oncology technologist.

The only people authorized to use the title of Radiation Technologist are those who hold a licence to practice and are members of the Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Québec (OTIMROEPMQ). The Diploma of College Studies (DCS) in radiation oncology technology awarded by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur is a prerequisite for taking the certification examination.

Radiation oncology technologists are health care professionals who work in a radiation oncology department within a hospital centre. Their role is directly linked to treating cancer and certain benign conditions following the prescription of a radiation oncologist. Their responsibilities essentially consist of planning the treatment in accordance with the prescription and administering external radiation treatments.

Managing patients who are undergoing treatment is a key component of professional practice. Radiation oncology technologists use various specialized software programs to capture, input and transmit information and images concerning patients and their treatments. Adjustments made as a result of analyzing images allow radiation oncology technologists to optimize the treatment plan. Clinical judgement is crucial to the performance of every one of their tasks.

Durée de la formation

Spécifique (heures)Totale (heures)

Total length of training includes general training that is common to all programs for 420 hours, general training for this program for 150 hours as well as complementary general training courses for 90 hours.

Duration of training consists of theory and lab work for courses; personal time that the student invests is excluded.

Contenu du programme

Numéro ou code Énoncé de la compétence
06EN Analyze the profession
06EP Apply health, safety, protective and environmental measures
06EQ Ensure that materials, equipment, apparatuses and accessories are accessible and work properly
06ER Characterize a malignancy in terms of biomedical information and therapeutic modalities
06ES Use radiation therapy treatment equipment
06ET Use radiation oncology imaging apparatuses and systems
06EU Optimize the quality of images captured by imaging technologies
06EV Work on a team
06EW Interact with a radiation oncology patient
06EX Provide care to a radiation oncology patient
06EY Resolve a technical problem related to a radiation oncology treatment plan or treatment
06EZ Make specific radiation oncology treatment accessories
06F0 Analyze a radiation oncology treatment plan
06F1 Administer an external radiation therapy treatment
06F2 Carry out a radiation oncology treatment plan
06F3 Perform a dosimetry
06F6 Characterize a brachytherapy treatment
Number of contact hours allotted for specific training: 1 950

Conditions d'admission et préalables

To be admitted to the program, a person must meet the general requirements for admission set out in the College Education Regulations, as well as the following special conditions, where applicable:

Must have passed the following secondary-level course(s):

• Sec. V TS or S – Secondary V Mathematics: Technical and Scientific (564506) or Science (565506) Options
• Sec. IV EST or SE – Secondary IV Environmental Science and Technology (558404) or Science and the Environment (558402)

Organismes scolaires offrant le programme

Aucun organisme scolaire n'offre ce programme présentement Effacer l'affinage

Radiation Oncology Technology

Les techniciennes et les techniciens en radio-oncologie, aussi appelés technologues en radio-oncologie administrent les traitements à l’aide de radiation. Elles préparent et accompagnent les patients pendant les traitements, effectuent des tests et des examens de scanographie pour localiser les tumeurs et orientent les faisceaux de radiation selon les traitements prescrits. C’est un métier essentiel qui demande des aptitudes pour les sciences, de l’empathie, de la précision et de l’écoute. Une carrière de technicienne en radio-oncologie convient aux personnes qui possèdent une bonne capacité d’analyse et qui aiment travailler avec le public.

Appellation(s) d'emploi

Technicien/technicienne en radio-oncologie

Professions visées

S’informer sur un métier ou une profession sur Québec.ca

Medical radiation technologists (3215)

Relation avec le marché du travail

Information provenant du MES et du MEQ

Insertion au marché du travail   (Information provenant du MES et du MEQ)
Site AvenirEnSanté


Sites Internet
Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Qc https://otimroepmq.ca/

Vous souhaitez proposer une information? Écrivez-nous à [email protected].