Objectifs du programme

The goal of the Diagnostic Imaging program is to form diagnostic imaging technologists. Diagnostic imaging technologists are health sector professionals who are employed by public or private health institutions. They work in dedicated medical imaging departments and services, and also in a variety of other environments, including at patients’ bedsides and in operating rooms. Their role is to produce the best possible images, based on a medical prescription, using ionizing radiation and other energy forms, and to gather data that radiologists and other medical specialists can use to make a diagnosis or produce a treatment plan. Diagnostic imaging technologists play a role in and contribute to the delivery of services to patients.

Diagnostic imaging technologists can work in different areas of the medical imaging field, for adult or pediatric patients: General radiography, Bone densitometry,Mammography, Radioscopy, Angiography, Computed tomography and Magnetic resonance.

To practise their profession, diagnostic imaging technologists must be members of the Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Québec (OTIMROEPMQ).

Durée de la formation

Spécifique (heures)Totale (heures)

Total length of training includes general training that is common to all programs for 420 hours, general training for this program for 150 hours as well as complementary general training courses for 90 hours.

Duration of training consists of theory and lab work for courses; personal time that the student invests is excluded.

Contenu du programme

Numéro ou code Énoncé de la compétence
01PX Analyze the profession and the regulatory framework
01PY Prevent risks related to health, safety, hygiene, cleanliness and the environment
01PZ Operate examination equipment that uses ionizing radiation and ultrasound
01X0 Ensure that individuals are protected during diagnostic radiology examinations
01XQ Operate examination equipment that uses a magnetic field and radiofrequencies
01XR Analyze anatomical information related to diagnostic radiology examinations
01XS Analyze the pathological signs related to diagnostic radiology examinations
01XT Optimize the quality of the diagnostic images
01XU Interact in a professional context
01XV Provide care related to the practice of diagnostic radiology
01XW Perform quality control activities
01XX Perform radiographic examinations of the limbs, pelvis, spine and thorax
01XY Perform radiographic examinations of the head, respiratory system and abdomen
01XZ Perform mammographic examinations
01Z7 Perform radioscopic examinations
01Z8 Perform angiographic examinations
01Z9 Perform computed tomography examinations of the head, spine and limbs
01ZA Perform computed tomography examinations of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis
01ZB Perform magnetic resonance examinations of the head and spine
01ZC Perform magnetic resonance examinations of the limbs, abdomen and pelvis
01ZD Contribute to the ongoing improvement of the practice of diagnostic radiology
Number of hours alloted to specific training: 2205 hours

Conditions d'admission et préalables

To be admitted to the program, a person must meet the general requirements for admission set out in the College Education Regulations, as well as the following special conditions, where applicable:

Must have passed the following secondary-level course(s):

• Sec. IV EST or SE – Secondary IV Environmental Science and Technology (558404) or Science and the Environment (558402)
• Sec. IV CST - Secondary IV Mathematics: Cultural, Social and Technical Option (563414)

Organismes scolaires offrant le programme

Collège J/S
Collège Dawson

Technologue en imagerie médicale (Radiodiagnostic)

Les technologues en imagerie médicale (radiodiagnostic), aussi appelés techniciens en radiographie, effectuent des examens par imagerie médicale (radiographie conventionnelle, fluoroscopie, mammographie, échographie, tomodensitométrie, imagerie par résonance magnétique, etc.) afin de permettre aux radiologistes d’établir leurs diagnostics. Ils préparent et accompagnent les patients pendant les examens et traitent les images diagnostiques. C’est un métier essentiel qui demande des aptitudes pour les sciences, de l’empathie et de l’écoute. Une carrière de technologue en imagerie médicale convient aux personnes qui possèdent une bonne capacité d’analyse et de synthèse et qui aiment travailler avec le public.

Formation(s) connexe(s)

Soins infirmiers
Techniques d'inhalothérapie

Salaire moyen

Technologue en imagerie médicale (Radiodiagnostic) — 37,16 $

Professions visées

S’informer sur un métier ou une profession sur Québec.ca

Medical radiation technologists (3215)

Relation avec le marché du travail

Information provenant du MES et du MEQ

Insertion au marché du travail   (Information provenant du MES et du MEQ)
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