Objectifs du programme

The Food Processing Equipment Operation program of study prepares students for the duties of a food processing equipment operator. Food processing equipment operators work in food processing companies in the following subsectors: fish products, meat products, juices and beverages, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, bakery, sugar and confectionery, and animal feed. This industry includes companies that focus on prepared meals. However, these companies are not considered a subsector as they can be found in several subsectors.

Food processing equipment operators, either manually or with multifunction industrial process machinery or equipment, process food, for example by grinding, extracting, mixing, blending, and cooking food products. These persons also bag, can, or otherwise package food products through various processes.

Fonction de travail

Food Processing Equipment Operator

Contenu du programme

Code Énoncé de la compétence Heures Unités
STC 755-011 Determine their suitability for the trade and the training process 15 1
STC 755-022 Adopt preventive measures in hygiene, food safety, health and safety 30 2
STC 755-033 Interpret technical production documentation 45 3
STC 755-044 Establish links between ingredients, production processes and quality assurance 60 4
STC 755-052 Prepare basic ingredients 30 2
STC 755-065 Perform food processing activities 75 5
STC 755-073 Perform sanitation and minor maintenance on the equipment 30 2
STC 755-082 Carry out operations for the receipt and shipment of food products 45 3
330 22

Conditions d'admission et préalables

A person who meets the following conditions is eligible for admission to a program of study leading to an STC:
1. Has obtained at least Secondary III credits or the equivalent in the language of instruction, second language and mathematics;
or Has obtained an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary Studies (AESS);
or Has successfully completed the General Development Test (GDT) with or without specific prerequisites.
2. Has interrupted their full-time studies for at least 12 months;
or Is 18 years old when entering training;
or Has obtained a Secondary School Diploma (SSD) or a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS) or their equivalent;
or Meets the eligibility conditions of Emploi-Québec’s workforce training measure.
(This STC is eligible for the TCST-STC bridge)

Admission requirements for the TCST-STC bridge

The admission requirements for the TCST-STC bridge are identical to those that apply to the TCST-DVS bridge:
- Hold a TCST;
AND - Be at least 16 years old on September 30 of the school year in which you start vocational training;
AND - Have earned the required credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in Secondary Cycle 1 in general education in the youth sector or in Secondary II in adult general education.

Organismes scolaires offrant le programme

Horaire :


Places disponibles
Admission sur liste d'attente
Cours complet
CSS du Littoral
Centre de formation professionnelle Groupe État J/S Date de début
Centre Harrington STC4755-1 - J/S À déterminer

Food Processing Equipment Operation

Les opératrices et les opérateurs d’équipements en transformation alimentaire effectuent manuellement et à l’aide de machines la préparation, la cuisson, l’ensachage et la mise en boîte de divers produits d’alimentation et mets préparés. Ils évoluent dans différents secteurs : produits de la pêche, produits de la viande, jus et boissons, produits laitiers, fruits et légumes, boulangerie, sucre et confiserie et nourriture pour animaux. L’industrie comprend aussi des entreprises axées sur les mets préparés. C’est un métier répétitif qui exige une bonne endurance physique et de la productivité.

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