Objectifs du programme

Specialization A: Office Work Coodination

This program is designed to develop theoretical and practical skills in management, in interpersonal relationships, and in the use of software and new areas in computer technology. It prepares students to be able to plan, organize, supervise and evaluate work in the office unit, in the recruitment and in the training of office staff. It teaches writing skills, text translation and revision, how to carry out procedures, the management of material resources and finances in an office unit, to manage a database, to manage documents and to organize seminars, conferences, congresses and other types of events. It develops their leadership skills and their sense of responsibility.

Specialization B: Micropublishing and Hypermedia

This program is designed to develop theoretical and practical skills in information technology as well as writing skills, and text translation and revision. It prepares students in the production, graphic concept and page layout of training manuals, forms, reports, publicity documents, newsletters and internal bulletins, multimedia presentatoins, web pages and other types of hypermedia documents. It prepares the students in project management. It develops in the students creativity, a sense of esthetics and to be conscious of minute details.

Durée de la formation

Option Spécifique (heures) Totale (heures)
Specialization A - Office Work Coordination 1725 2385
Specialization B - Micropublishing and Hypermedia 1725 2385
Spécifique (heures)Totale (heures)

Total length of training includes general training that is common to all programs for 420 hours, general training for this program for 150 hours as well as complementary general training courses for 90 hours.

Duration of training consists of theory and lab work for courses; personal time that the student invests is excluded.

Contenu du programme

Numéro ou code Énoncé de la compétence
00UW To perform word processing operations
00UX To process and present data
00UY To communicate using spoken English
00UZ To produce English texts and perform English linguistic revision
00V0 To produce French texts and perfrom French linguistic revision
00V1 To communicate using spoken French
00V2 To translate texts
00V3 To use tools and services relating to office work
00V4 To provide technical support
00V5 To interact in various work situations
00V6 To successfully enter the labour market and build a career

Specialization A: Office Work Coodination

Numéro ou code Énoncé de la compétence
00V7 To analyze the profession
00V8 To ensure the process of financial information and the management of the office unit budgets
00V9 To create and operate a database
00VA To produce documents
00VB To automate operations
00VC To solve problems
00VD To adapt working approaches to the particular features of the work environment
00VE To design and adapt a records management system
00VF To design and adapt office working procedures
00VG To participate in the staff recruitment process for the office unit
00VH To organize and supervise work within the office unit
00VJ To ensure the management of material resources within the office unit
00VK To assess the performance of the staff in the office unit
00VL To ensure the training of the office unit staff
00VM To organize professional activities
Number of hours alloted to specific training: 1725 hours

Specialization B: Micropublishing and Hypermedia

Numéro ou code Énoncé de la compétence
00VN To analyze the profession
00VP To create drawings and process images
00VQ To enter data and produce the graphic design of training manuals
00VR To perform page layout operations
00VS To design and produce forms
00VT To ensure the quality of written language and produce the graphic design of reports
00VU To design and produce advertising documents
00VV To create hypermedia documents
00VW To design and produce multimedia presentations
00VX To ensure teh quality of written language and produce the graphic design of in-house bulletins and newsletters
00VY To process requests from clients
00VZ To manage micropublishing projects
Number of hours alloted to specific training: 1725 hours

Conditions d'admission et préalables

To be admitted to the program, a person must meet the general requirements for admission set out in the College Education Regulations, as well as the following special conditions, where applicable:

• no requirements

Organismes scolaires offrant le programme

Collège J/S
Cégep John Abbott
Champlain Regional College (campus Saint-Lambert-Longueuil) J Plus d'info 
Vanier College J Plus d'info 

Technicienne en bureautique

Les techniciens et les techniciennes en bureautique, souvent appelées adjointes administratives, planifient et assurent la coordination du travail de bureau. Elles reçoivent les appels et assurent le service à la clientèle. Elles fixent et confirment les rendez-vous et les réunions des gestionnaires. Elles préparent, à l’ordinateur, des lettres, des publications, des résumés et des factures. Dans le cadre de leur travail, elles effectuent des recherches administratives, élaborent des méthodes de classement pour des systèmes de gestion ainsi que des procédures de travail. Elles peuvent être appelées à coordonner le travail du personnel de bureau et à concevoir et produire des présentations publicitaires et multimédias. Un emploi à titre de technicienne en bureautique demande honnêteté, discrétion et méthode. C’est un métier qui convient aux personnes qui ont une bonne capacité de concentration et de l’intérêt pour les tâches complexes et le service à la clientèle.

Formation(s) connexe(s)

Techniques de comptabilité et de gestion

Salaire moyen

Technicienne en bureautique — 28,00 $

Appellation(s) d'emploi

Adjoint administratif/adjointe administrative
Adjoint/adjointe de direction
Responsable de la gestion de dossiers
Technicien/technicienne en administration

Relation avec le marché du travail

Information provenant du MES et du MEQ

Insertion au marché du travail   (Information provenant du MES et du MEQ)


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