Objectifs du programme

The Biomedical Laboratory Technology program prepares students to practise the professions of medical technologist and medical laboratory technician.

In accordance with the Professional Code, the scope of practice of medical technologists consists of performing medical biology analyses and examinations of the human body or specimens and ensuring the technical validity of results to be used for diagnosis or therapeutic follow-up.

Medical technologists and medical laboratory technicians work mainly in public health institutions. In clinical settings, these technologists and technicians are found in sample collection centres, outpatient and screening clinics, diagnostic laboratories, health care units and emergency departments.

Medical technologists and medical laboratory technicians work in interdisciplinary situations with health professionals, including nursing and medical staff, and specialists such as hematologists, biochemists, microbiologists, etc.

Direct contact with clients occurs at the time when samples are taken and when analyses are conducted at the point of care, both in public and private healthcare establishments and at home.

Durée de la formation

Spécifique (heures)Totale (heures)
2 190 2 850

Total length of training includes general training that is common to all programs for 420 hours, general training for this program for 150 hours as well as complementary general training courses for 90 hours.

Duration of training consists of theory and lab work for courses; personal time that the student invests is excluded.

Contenu du programme

Numéro ou code Énoncé de la compétence
06CY Analyze the profession and training
06CZ Carry out quality control activities in a clinical setting
06D0 Describe the anatomical and physiological characteristics of biological samples
06D1 Perform pre-analytical procedures to prepare samples of body fluids for biomedical analyses
06D2 Establish professional relationships in biomedical analysis
06D3 Procure biological samples from a client
06D4 Perform basic quantitative analyses of biomolecules in a clinical setting
06D5 Perform specialized quantitative analyses of biomolecules in a clinical setting
06D6 Carry out professional activities associated with pharmacology
06D7 Identify microorganisms
06D8 Produce histological sections for pathological examinations
06D9 Conduct a biological validation of the results of biomedical analyses
06DA Perform biomedical analyses in hemostasis
06DB Perform biomedical analyses in hematology
06DC Perform biomedical analyses in biochemistry
06DD Perform biomedical analyses in microbiology
06DE Perform biomedical analyses in molecular biology
06DF Perform analyses in transfusion medicine
06DG Prepare blood products for transfusion
06DH Resolve transfusion problems
Number of contact hours allotted to specific training: 2 190

Conditions d'admission et préalables

To be admitted to the program, a person must meet the general requirements for admission set out in the College Education Regulations, as well as the following special conditions, where applicable:

Must have passed the following secondary-level course(s):

• Sec. IV TS or S or Sec. 5 CST Mathematics: Technical and Scientific option (564426) or Secondary 4 Science option (565426) or Secondary 5 Cultural, Social and Technical Option (563504).
• Sec. V Chemistry – Secondary V Chemistry (551504)
• Sec. V Physics – Secondary V Physics (553504)

Organismes scolaires offrant le programme

Collège J/S
Collège Dawson

Technicienne de laboratoire médical

Les techniciens et les techniciennes de laboratoire médical, aussi appelées techniciennes biomédicales, effectuent des analyses biochimiques, hématologiques ou microbiologiques. Elles préparent le matériel de laboratoire et les échantillons, compilent et analysent les données de laboratoire et rédigent des rapports d’analyse. En banque de sang, elles préparent des produits sanguins. C’est un métier stimulant qui se déroule dans un environnement calme. Il demande des aptitudes pour les mathématiques, les sciences et de l’intérêt pour le travail de laboratoire. Une carrière comme technicienne de laboratoire médical convient aux personnes méticuleuses, possédant une bonne dextérité manuelle et un esprit d’analyse.

Salaire moyen

Technicienne de laboratoire médical — 28,45 $

Appellation(s) d'emploi

Technicien/technicienne de laboratoire médical
Technologiste médical/technologiste médicale

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