Objectifs du programme

The Information and Library Technologies program prepares students to practise the occupation of information technician.

These technicians are information specialists who rigorously organize and manage the various categories of documents retained and disseminated in various information sectors such as libraries and documentation centres, as well as records management and archival services.

Their main activities consist in acquiring, classifying, describing, indexing, preserving and circulating documents in a variety of formats and on different media.1 They also play a role in user support activities, including outreach, promotion and training, and take part in administrative activities (including management of documentation centres, and information service departments or units), and in updating or implementing the computer systems they use to perform their functions.

The general and program-specific competencies of this program have been tailored to address a broad variety of users’ needs and the specific aspects of different information management sectors. The program therefore aims to train information technicians who will be versatile enough to deal with this diversity.

Durée de la formation

Spécifique (heures)Totale (heures)

Total length of training includes general training that is common to all programs for 420 hours, general training for this program for 150 hours as well as complementary general training courses for 90 hours.

Duration of training consists of theory and lab work for courses; personal time that the student invests is excluded.

Contenu du programme

Numéro ou code Énoncé de la compétence
01QN Plan the layout of an information services space
01ZE Analyze the occupation
01ZF Use general application software
01ZG Interact with others in an information services environment
01ZH Create and use databases
01ZJ Retrieve information
01ZK Describe documents
01ZL Index documents
01ZM Manage records
01ZN Evaluate the services of an information management unit
01ZP Classify documents
01ZQ Perform management activities in an information services environment
01ZR Manage collections
01ZS Provide reference and information monitoring services
01ZT Promote the services of an information management unit
01ZU Implement an information management system
01ZV Develop and implement records management tools
01ZW Ensure the preservation of documents
01ZX Provide training to users in an information services environment
01ZY Perform outreach activities in an information services environment
01ZZ Process an archival fonds
Number of specific contact hour allotted: 1815

Conditions d'admission et préalables

To be admitted to the program, a person must meet the general requirements for admission set out in the College Education Regulations, as well as the following special conditions, where applicable:

• no requirements

Organismes scolaires offrant le programme

Collège J/S
Cégep John Abbott

Information and Library Technologies Program

Les techniciennes et les techniciens de bibliothèques et de services d’archives publiques, aussi appelées documentalistes, référencent, classent, indexent et décrivent des livres, des documents audio et vidéo, ainsi que des documents administratifs dans une bibliothèque, un centre de gestion de documents et un centre d’archives. Elles aident les usagers dans leurs recherches et gèrent le prêt de documents. Dans le cadre de leurs fonctions, elles peuvent avoir à implanter, organiser et mettre à jour un système de gestion de documents ou à effectuer des activités d’animation auprès du public. C’est un métier qui s’exerce dans des environnements calmes et qui convient aux personnalités méthodiques. Une carrière comme technicienne de bibliothèques et de services d’archives publiques demande de l’intérêt pour l’informatique, la recherche et le service à la clientèle.

Appellation(s) d'emploi


Professions visées

S’informer sur un métier ou une profession sur Québec.ca

Library and public archive technicians (5211)
Records management technicians (1253)

Relation avec le marché du travail

Information provenant du MES et du MEQ

Insertion au marché du travail   (Information provenant du MES et du MEQ)

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